Support the SHOUT
Every dollar we raise helps us pay the writers, photographers, and editors who contribute to the SHOUT.
You can support arts writing in Kansas with a one-time or recurring tax-deductible donation. Our average monthly donation is $9, but you can give as little as $1/month!
Through December 31, 2024, readers who give $1 or more per month OR a one-time donation of $12 or more will receive an Arts Writing Matters sticker.
If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation by check, please complete this pledge form and mail it to our fiscal agent, along with your check or cashier's check.
Their mailing address is:
Tiny News Collective
111 North Wabash Ave. Ste. 100
The Garland Building
Chicago IL 60602
Checks from donors must be payable to “Tiny News Collective Inc” with "the SHOUT" noted in the check memo or description line.
If you don't have access to a printer, we're happy to send you a copy of the form by mail. You can send a request for a pledge form to
If you have questions about your donations, please contact Jason Tompkins, Tiny News Collective finance manager: